NuGrow operates multiple advanced facilities, with our head office in Brookwater, Queensland:
- Ipswich Composting and Recycling Facility – located at Box Hill, Swanbank Road in Swanbank, approximately 4km south-east of Ipswich
- Rockhampton Composting and Recycling Facility – located at Armstrong Street, Gracemere, approximately 5km south-west of Rockhampton
- Western Downs Composting and Recycling Facility – located at Millbank Boundary Road, Kogan, approximately 40km west of Dalby
- Bundaberg Composting and Recycling Facility – located at Tardas Road, Gregory River
- Gold Coast Recycling Facility – located at 112 Zipfs Road, Alberton
- NuGrow Head Office – located at Magnolia Drive, Brookwater
Our facilities are fully licensed by the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI) and operate in accordance with recycling industry requirements. They feature advanced waste recycling and treatment processes. In applying best-practice workplace health and safety, we ensure the induction of drivers and other visitors to site. Driver inductions remain valid for 12 months. Each facility has a site administrator physically on site who is available by phone for any queries on incoming and outgoing deliveries.
Waste generator, product purchase and supplier EOIs
We welcome the opportunity to connect with local businesses to see where NuGrow can add value – whether you’re a waste generator looking to save money and improve environmental performance, or you’re interested in purchasing our high-grade composts and soils, or you would like to explore opportunities to be a supplier to NuGrow. Please complete the form below to let us know more about you and we’ll be in touch within five business days.
Box Hill, Swanbank Road, Swanbank, 4306
Approximately 4km south-east of Ipswich
Opening hours
Monday-Friday 6.00am to 4.00pm
Saturday – Sunday: By appointment only
After hours
For enquiries please call 1300 684 769
Through the one facility, our team manages the full NuGrow process, from waste receival through to recycling through to product manufacture.
Our Swanbank facility offers:
- A weigh bridge on entry
- A vehicle wash-out zone
- B-double access and turnaround areas
- An on-site NuGrow site administrator

Rockhampton Composting and Recycling Facility
Armstrong Street, Gracemere, 4702
Approximately 5km south-west of Rockhampton
Opening hours
Monday-Friday 7.00am to 5.00pm
Saturday – Sunday: By appointment only
After hours
For enquiries please call 1300 684 769
Servicing the booming Central Queensland market, our team manages the full NuGrow process, from waste receival through to recycling through to product manufacture.
Our Gracemere facility offers:
- A weigh bridge on entry
- A vehicle wash-out zone
- B-double access and turnaround areas
- An on-site NuGrow site administrator

Western Downs Composting and Recycling Facility
3387 Tara-Kogan Rd, Kogan, 4406
Approximately 40km west of Dalby
Opening hours
Monday – Friday: 6.00am to 5.00pm
Saturday – Sunday: By appointment only
After hours
For enquiries please call 1300 684 769
Our Kogan facility is the first of its type in Queensland and is dedicated to connecting the agricultural sector with best-practice waste recycling. Here our team is carrying out extensive research and development to support the rehabilitation of agricultural land by improving the quality of pastoral landholdings through the beneficial reuse of organic waste, leveraging its rich nutrient profile. NuGrow is developing plans for forestry and crop production as well as cattle grazing on the Kogan facility’s land.
NuGrow’s Kogan facility primarily accepts green waste, CSG muds and fluids, food waste, effluent, bio solids and manures. These are recycled into NuGrow’s high-grade compost.
Our Kogan facility offers:
- A vehicle wash-out zone
- Road train and b-double access and turnaround areas
- An on-site NuGrow site administrator
Bundaberg Composting and Recycling Facility
19 Tardas Road, Gregory River, 4660
0467 028 763
Opening hours
Saturday – Sunday: By appointment only
After hours
For enquiries please call 1300 684 769
The Bundaberg Facility will process approximately 30,000t per year of organics from the wide bay region. The products produced on site are used in agricultural, soil rejuvenation and landscaping projects.
The site operate an ERA 53 and can accept animal manures, fish processing waste, food and food processing waste, grease trap waste, green waste, poultry processing waste and wastes generated from an abattoir.
Our Bundaberg facility offers:
- A vehicle wash-out zone
- Weigh bridge
- B-double access and turnaround areas
- An on-site NuGrow site administrator
Gold Coast Recycling Facility
112 Zipfs Road Alberton, 4207
0436 684 783
Opening hours
Monday – Friday: 6.30am to 4.30pm
Saturday – Sunday: By appointment only
After hours
For enquiries please call 1300 684 769
The Gold Coast Facility will process approximately 50,000t per year of organics from the Gold Coast Region. The products produced on site are used in othe composting facilities, agricultural, soil rejuvenation and landscaping projects.
Our Gold Coast facility offers:
- Garden Organics and Green Waste Disposal
- Soil and Compost Blends
- A and B Double Access (via permit)