
How recycling your food and green waste saves energy

How recycling your food and green waste saves energy

We all know that recycling is a good idea – but just how does it work to save the environment? Recycling has many benefits – saving energy being one of the biggest ones. Recycling saves energy by reducing (and sometimes even completely eliminating) the need to make...

How to know if your site needs revegetating

How to know if your site needs revegetating

Revegetation is one of the most important parts of any building or construction activity where the plant cover has been disturbed. Vegetation that is suited to the location will be re-established, usually comprising local native plants. Revegetation will return a...

Waste streams you probably didn’t know could be recycled

Waste streams you probably didn’t know could be recycled

Given society's unsustainable rates of consumption and waste generation, it’s never been more important to find alternatives to traditional waste management. Large volumes of commercial, industrial and household waste continue to rot in landfill causing a whole host...

NuGrow helps the City of Gold Coast recycle green organics

NuGrow helps the City of Gold Coast recycle green organics

If you’re looking for a one-stop shop for sustainable waste management, look no further than NuGrow! We offer Queensland’s largest recycling operation of its kind – and the City of Gold Coast (City) has been reaping the benefits of NuGrow’s services over the past 18...

NuGrow celebrates World Soil Day

NuGrow celebrates World Soil Day

World Soil Day is celebrated every year on 5 December, and NuGrow is happy to use this opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of soils, and the need for sustainable management to keep our soil resources healthy. Held since 2002, this day encourages people...

New book explores our thinking about waste

New book explores our thinking about waste

The missing ingredient to counter climate change is in the trash … As a collective population, we need to change our thinking about waste – and a new book is challenging each one of us to think differently about the concepts of discarded materials and their economic...

NuGrow celebrates National Recycling Week

NuGrow celebrates National Recycling Week

It’s National Recycling Week this week (9 – 15 November) and here at NuGrow we’re excited to celebrate the ways in which we’re contributing to recycling efforts. This week is an important opportunity to raise awareness of the need for recycling, to improve knowledge...

How compost is crucial to soil regeneration

How compost is crucial to soil regeneration

If there was a way to eat food without damaging the planet, would you do it? There’s so much bad news about our planet, and sometimes it seems like our environment is in an uncontrollable downward spiral. However, as it turns out, there’s a simple solution to healing...

Why a circular economy is more important now than ever

Why a circular economy is more important now than ever

In the past 50 years, the population of the world has more than doubled however resource consumption has more than tripled. This is alarming as at the same time as our population grows, our finite resources are diminishing. Clearly, our current economic system is...