Queensland’s largest organic waste recycler, NuGrow, is expanding its environmental services offer for Councils off the back of major regional success stories.

Already working with Ipswich City Council and Maranoa Regional Council, NuGrow has proven it can help Councils save money and benefit the environment.

Through its organic and inorganic waste recycling, contaminated land rehabilitation, and compost/soil supply services, the team is helping Queensland Councils close the loop by converting waste into beneficial products.

With four facilities across the State, and plans for expansion, NuGrow can accept a massive range of waste types, diverting them away from landfill.

NuGrow Director Roy Wilson said Councils could create long-term community benefits simply by redirecting waste to NuGrow’s facilities.

“We offer a cheaper disposal solution, taking pressure off ever-shrinking landfill capacities and saving Councils the cost and effort of constructing and operating new landfills,” Roy said.

“Then, we convert those wastes into high-grade compost and premium soil products useful for everything from landscaping to major rehabilitation programs.

“To us, community waste is a rich resource when treated appropriately.”

In just six months this year, NuGrow helped Maranoa Regional Council divert more than 100,000 tonnes of green and liquid organic waste from landfill.

With Ipswich City Council, more than 18,000 tonnes of its green waste was used on the landmark Legacy Way project as part of the Ecoblanket organics product, delivered by Groundworks for erosion control and revegetation.

NuGrow and Groundworks won the Waste Recycling Industry Association’s 2013 Queensland Innovation Award for the project.

With the capacity to support more Councils, NuGrow guarantees cost and time savings with the assurance waste will be used to enrich Queensland’s natural environment.

The team also boasts a zero residual operation, helping regions meet and exceed their waste reduction targets.