NuGrow welcomes the consent orders handed down by the Planning and Environment Court on Wednesday 18th September 2024 in relation to three long running legal proceedings involving the Department of Environment and Science (DESI) and Ipswich City Council (ICC).  The successful resolution of these proceedings reinforces NuGrow’s commitment to best practice environmental management and regulatory compliance.

After productive negotiations between NuGrow, DESI and ICC, the parties presented draft orders by consent to the Court. The Court made the consent orders in substantially the terms agreed by the parties, with the following result:

  • allowing, in part, NuGrow’s appeal against Ipswich City Council’s refusal of the minor change application lodged on 1 August 2022, with the result being an updated development permit allowing NuGrow to carry out engineered membrane composting; and
  • making final orders in the Originating Application brought by the Department of Environment Science and Innovation, committing to the staged upgrade of composting infrastructure in accordance with specified standards; and
  • making interim orders in the Originating Application brought by Council, with NuGrow committed to applying to Council for further changes to its development permit to ultimately allow in-vessel composting.

For the last 24 months NuGrow has been working towards securing the necessary environmental and planning approvals for the semi-permeable membrane compost system.  The Court orders now provide a pathway for NuGrow to construct and operate various best practice composting infrastructure including:

  • initially, a mobile aerated floor system, which will now be expanded following a successful trial stage; then
  • a semi-permeable membrane compost system, used internationally; and
  • at a later stage an in-vessel/enclosed composting system.

NuGrow remains focused on its mission to lead the way in organics recycling and provide critical infrastructure for waste generated by the community and commercial sector to be sustainably processed. We look forward to continuing our engagement with regulatory authorities and local government, ensuring our operations exceed industry standards whilst the rest of the organics recycling industry also transitions to best practice composting infrastructure.

Resolution of these legal proceedings now allows us to move swiftly to incorporate best practice standards at our NuGrow Ipswich facility and play our part in improving environmental outcomes for the surrounding community. We look forward to other waste operators in the Swanbank and New Chum Industrial Area modernising operational practices to further improve environmental outcomes for the surrounding community.

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